Thursday, September 1, 2011


a very messy start, but it gets better.
Tomorrow I leave on vacation to Rio and Buenos Aires, so today I went about packing, and as promised here's a post on how I do it!

First things first, I take out anything I am remotely interested in bringing from my closet and put it out where I can see it. The mess you see above isn't even everything I ended up pulling out.

From there, I start by taking aside and packing all the necessary under clothes/camis/tanks/pajamas. Next, I find a few clothes that are either new or haven't been worn much recently and work on creating outfits around those.

Here are two I put together working with a sheer H&M white blouse and a mustard-yellow sweater from Forever 21:

After doing this and creating more outfits with other pieces, it's time to pack! This is my trusty suitcase that saw me to France and back:

I start out by folding everything neatly, while keeping outfits together, like so:

In the past, I'd have started packing by layering these down into the suitcase, but I've found a better option now. Rolling! I find it saves me a lot of space and keeps my clothes from wrinkling. Even the neatest fold can still sometimes leave a crease on delicate items, but rolling generally doesn't. Voila:

From here, all that's left is to put it into the suitcase! Here's my finished product:

One last tip that isn't clear from the pictures: rather than keeping delicate skirts/lace items (as seen above) as the top layer, I always put scarves on top. I fold big scarves up into squares and use them as a buffer between pretty clothes and nasty zippers that could catch on them.

Next post will be an airport-outfit post. Hope you've all had a good day!

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